Sending out promotional post cards is time consuming and expensive. It is so important to target your mailing to people who may actually be interested in what you have to show them! RESEARCH the market before you put a stamp on it. For my most recent mailing I spent a grueling two weeks pouring over The Book. The Book is a comprehensive market survey that is downloadable only to SCBWI members. It provides publisher lists, editors, art directors, and what genre they work with, and sometimes even what they are looking for. I already had a great mailing, so why did it take me two weeks to complete this task? The publishing industry seems very fluid. I had to check and double check addresses and persons to whom I was targeting to verify that they were still with a specific house or magazine. I noticed a number of potential clients are moving to Submittable or have online submissions options. Some only accept agented submissions. Some who were not previously open to submissions are now accepting, others are closed. It is important to read each publisher’s submission requirements carefully, as we want all our self promotion efforts and money to more likely wind up in the hands of a potential client than in the circular file.

The Book also offers many useful articles regarding submissions, rights, query letters, etc.. to help us creatives navigate the ins and outs of the business of publishing. I joined SCBWI in 2012 at the suggestion of a few very nice, very encouraging published illustrators that I met at local book signing and school events. It has been invaluable to me, and I am so grateful for the people I’ve met, the encouragement for newcomers, and the resources available. Attending conferences, workshops, and pouring through the Book has helped me to better understand the industry in which I hope to build my career.

Illustrator members of SCBWI- USE THE GALLERY! and provide the link on any communications that you send out via e-mail, post card, or letter. Whether you have a web site or not, it is a searchable tool, that is free with your membership. It is easy to use, you can add your own descriptions yourself and your work, and hey… what can it hurt?? Just be sure to put up only what you consider to be your best work. Quality, not quantity. Update it periodically, and you never know what may happen. I have used the gallery pages for about 5 years, and just recently I was approached by a publisher who found me there. It took a while, but it was of no cost to me other than my time. Adding this link to your correspondence also shows that as an SCBWI member, you are informed and engaged in the industry that you would like to enter.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that my post cards landed in the right spot. Best wishes to all my fellow artists in your promotional endeavors!

Before you put a stamp on it… | 2019 | Uncategorized
Patricia Kreiser Illustration